MMA Hall of Famer Diego Sanchez cut from 190lbs to 145lbs in 5 months
How? He used Instant Knockout
With over 20 years of experience in multiple fighting promotions, Diego knows what it takes to get in shape for a big fight
In order to cut weight to compete, Diego used Instant Knockout Cut
A competitor in multiple weight divisions, a champion and a UFC Hall of Fame inductee. Diego Sanchez recommends Instant Knockout
After suffering a serious injury in 2015 Diego could not exercise for 3 months. During this time, he evaluated his career and made the decision to return as a Featherweight. At 190lbs, Diego needed to cut to a target of 145lbs to qualify. As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, this is not easy.
Reaching his goal took hard work, dedication and intense training. Diego’s diet and exercise regime was strict, and time was not on his side. In just 5 months, with the help of Instant Knockout, Diego met his target and started to compete at Featherweight at 145lbs.
Thanks to Instant Knockout, Diego Sanchez got in the best shape of his career. Tighter abs, a chiselled jaw and lean, defined muscle all over. Each ingredient in Instant Knockout Cut is designed specifically for this reason - to get professional athletes in peak condition. And it’s now available to you.
Take a look at this short documentary where Diego Sanchez discusses what he does every day to stay on the top of his game.